Herreid Baptist Church prayerfully seeks a full-time pastor to shepherd the congregation and minister to the community. We desire a Bible-believing man with a call to ministry committed to loving Christ, serving His church, proclaiming the gospel, and making disciples. He should be gifted in preaching and teaching, edifying the body, and equipping us for ministry. The pastor should build relationships with the congregation and community. We are located in north central South Dakota near Lake Oahe. Sunday morning attendance numbers 45 to 60.
Requirements and Qualifications
- Agree with North American Baptist Statement of Beliefs and Code of Ministerial Ethics
- Exemplify the personal and leadership qualities depicted in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5
- Have effective communication and interpersonal skills, with an ability to relate to all age groups
- Hold a bachelors degree or higher from a Bible college or seminary
- Have previous church ministry experience of at least three years preferred
Special Notes
To request more details, contact the search committee at herreidbaptistsearch@gmail.com or Dustin Jahraus at (605) 848-9265.
Competitive salary based on experience and qualifications.
A well-maintained parsonage is provided.
Send resumes to herreidbaptistsearch@gmail.com.