July 11 was our first Bike Rodeo. It was great! Thanks to everyone who pitched in to make it a wonderful time!

Posted by Elim Baptist Church Beausejour on Sunday, July 12, 2020


“This is really great! We’ve not been able to do much of anything because of Covid-19.”

These comments came from the parents of kids who participated in the Bicycle Rodeo, hosted by Elim Baptist, Beausejour, MB, Saturday, July 11.

Children registered and got a card, which had them go through five different courses (slalom, barrel run, pop the balloons, grab the flag, etc.), all while riding their bikes.

30-35 children participated in the 2-hour event. Kids were lined up early. An RCMP officer talked briefly about bicycle safety. People enjoyed hot dogs and pop. All the kids got ribbons of different colors corresponding to each course they ran through.

About 20 church members made up course markers, set up the colored streamers, served as course marshals/timers, helped with the food and generally interacted with the kids and parents.

The people of Elim were both encouraged and enthusiastic at the opportunity to connect with those in their Beausejour community. That enthusiasm spilled over into comments shared during Sunday worship the next day.

Interim Pastor Mark Woods asked at a March Board meeting, “What can we do in the midst of COVID to connect with our community?” People brainstormed, planned and participated. The church advertised through the local newspaper. Pastor Mark and another member passed out flyers to kids they saw in town and at homes displaying “evidence” of children present (bikes, trampolines, playground equipment, etc.)

And people were excited to connect.

Another ongoing outreach involves using a park in the older part of town to offer T-ball every other Thursday. The kids are part of a Bible club, which met in the home of a single mom during the school year. The woman is involved in the church, but recognizes the need to learn the stories of the Bible and willingly serves as host  The Bible story leader (from Elim), Pastor Mark and others play T-ball with the 5 children (ages 7-12), who show up from families that don’t have the means to afford organized camps or sports. The kids learn some rules, have fun, eat some snacks, listen to a Bible story and play more T-ball.

“Let your light so shine . . .,” says Jesus (Matthew 5:16). Elim Baptist is finding joy in doing so.


Randy Jaspers

Northern Plains Regional Minister