COVID-19: Information and Resources
COVID-19 and the NPR
The Northern Plains Region of the NAB exists to support and equip the local church in Manitoba, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.
This page will gather updates and resources for the church related to the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic.
Church and Ministry Leaders Regional Meetings
During the current crisis connection is important. For pastors and parachurch ministry leaders we will be connecting in regular regional meetings (via Zoom). Please direct any questions to Randy Jaspers.
Manitoba - Meeting will be held every Wednesday @ 10am.
All Clusters - Meeting will be held every Tuesday @ 12am.
COVID Updates from the NPR
The leaders of the Northern Plains Region churches are using creative ways to connect, share the good news of Jesus and invite all ages to grow in Christ. Here are some of their stories.
Resource Links
COVID-19 Do's and Don'ts
Do Wash Your Hands
Regular handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent infection and the spread of the coronavirus.
Do Social Distance
Only going out for essentials and avoiding unnecessary gatherings protects you and those more vulnerable around you. maintain a 2m (6ft) distance from others when out to help prevent infection.
Don't Go It Alone
While we must be physically distant, we need not be alone. Call, FaceTime, Zoom, Email or Message your loved ones and those in your church who are in isolation.